Our Mission
Our mission is to have a major commitment to community. We believe that a church cannot be judged on its worship or material holdings alone, but the witness of the church in the community is a telling thermometer of a church’s witness. Through our Imani Intergenerational Development Corp., we are restoring and rebuilding the community. We provide assistance to the needy in the form of food, rental assistance, and financial advice.
First Baptist today is a hopeful, expectant congregation. We mandate a ministry that is reverent yet relevant. We are contemporary without compromising our faith or belief. We make a great statement and witness for God through our ministries. We are expecting God to add His Divine Exclamation Point!
First Baptist today is a hopeful, expectant congregation. We mandate a ministry that is reverent yet relevant. We are contemporary without compromising our faith or belief. We make a great statement and witness for God through our ministries. We are expecting God to add His Divine Exclamation Point!
Our Vision
Our vision is to be a church striving to be more committed to God. We encourage our members to develop better spiritual growth habits. We provide enabling infrastructure for this to take place. We stress ministry and not maintenance, so that our members can discover their spiritual gifts and utilize them to the glory of God. Our worship style is in the context of celebration and praise and our music ministry one of the finest in the city.